ISIP 2016


8th edition

July 11th – 22nd, 2016, Brasov, Romania

[download the poster here]


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IESC), building N, room Nii10 (2nd floor). Address: Politehnicii 1, Brasov 500019. Location on Google maps and GPS coordinates: 45.643982, 25.594822


All the participants are kindly asked to register by sending an e-mail to the organizer (Mihai.Ivanovici (at) and by paying the registration fee prior to the beginning of the school. Registration fee: 1350 RON. Registration fee is only 50 RON for the students of Transilvania University of Brasov.


Participants should have previously attended the following courses or at least to have good knowledge in the following fields: mathematics (incl. statistics), algorithms & complexity, C/C++/C# programming, digital signal processing fundamentals.


At the end of the school the participants will be required to pass a test consisting of questions and exercises related to the topics presented during the school. Based on the results of the test, the participants will receive certificates proving that they graduated this intensive course on image processing. The certificates will state the grade obtained by the participants.

Preliminary program

The details concerning the room and the time intervals will be announced soon. Preliminary schedule: lectures from 9:00 to 12:00 with coffee break and laboratory work from 14:00 to 18:00. The content of the summer school is:

Lecture 1: Introduction to image processing
Lecture 2: Analysis tools for image processing (grey level profiles, look-up-tables, histogram, pixel magnifier, optional Otsu-Binarization)
Lecture 3: Operations in spatial domain (low-pass and high-pass filtering, optional: Canny and Harris filters)
lecture 4: Morphologic Operators (erosion and dilation for binary and grey value images, opening, closing, thinning)
Lecture 5: Texture analysis and classification (optional)
Lecture 6: Interpolation
Lecture 7: Hough-Transform for lines, circles and parabolas
Lecture 8: Colour spaces
Lecture 9: Colour image processing (low-pass and high-pass filtering, chromaticity, segmentation, colour resolution)
Lecture 10: Fourier-Transform (optional)
Lecture 11: Medical imaging (optional)

The language of the lectures, the exercises and the written examination will be English.
Depending on the student’s progress during the lecture and the exercises, the above program might be shortened to give all attendants the chance to follow and to understand all the subjects discussed. Depending on the intervention of other guest, modifications of this published program will be announced in due time.
images Prof. dr. rer. nat. Detlef Richter, University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden, Germania.
ioana3 Lecturer dr. inf. Ioana Plajer, Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov.