Inovație de tip Open Science în programe de doctorat, prin Observarea Terrei: spre dezvoltarea de noi abilități de carieră - PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2020-0139 - Contract de finanțare: nr. 48 / 2021

Scopul proiectului: sprijinirea activității de cercetare de excelență în cadrul Universității Transilvania din Brașov (UNITBV) în domeniul prelucrării și analizei imaginilor satelitare hiperspectrale, sprijinind astfel participarea UNITBV la implementarea proiectului european InnEO’Space_PhD, dar și creșterea calității contribuției UNITBV în cadrul proiectului european și intensificarea colaborării cu partenerii proiectului InnEO’Space_PhD în cercetarea europeană de excelență.

Scopul științific: Cercetare în vederea elaborării unui algoritm inovator de vizualizare imagini satelitare hiperspectrale.

Obiectivul proiectului: Conceperea, proiectarea și implementarea unui algoritm nou de vizualizare imagini satelitare hiperspectrale

Rezultate: 1 articol de revistă, intitulat „Quality-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Visualization”, trimis spre publicare la revista internațională IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (indexata ISI Clarivate Analytics în zona roșie – Q1), articol aflat în faza de recenzie. Gradul de realizare a obiectivelor proiectului: 100%.


InnEO’Space_PhD - Open Science Innovation in PhD programme through Earth Observation: towards new career skills development

01.12.2020 – 31.05.2023


InnEO’Space_PhD project aims at preparing post-graduate candidates and early stage researchers for a successful career through modernized and transferable PhD courses based on innovation skills and employers’ needs. To achieve this, the project will enhance and develop researchers’ innovation-oriented mind-sets and skills through Earth Observation, that offers a multidisciplinary approach and numerous applications in various sectors (environment, climate change, crisis management…). By converging to a joint PhD profile, synergies between universities will be enhanced to promote exchanges and mobility. The project will also create new synergies between: – PhD students and researchers and potential employers, and, – the universities and the private sector. Indeed, the consortium will collaborate with companies, SMEs and clusters to develop the activities, enhance PhD students and early researchers. The aim of the Open Science innovation in PhD programme through Earth Observation is to prepare young researchers for a successful career by developing modernised PhD courses based on innovation skills and employers’ needs. By implementing four pilots at a large scale and across Europe in the multidisciplinary case of Earth-Observation science applications, the consortium will get a broad mapping of best practices to develop a e-learning course and a PhD career tool kit that will remain accessible after the end of the project. The e-learning course will then be a useful tool for any university, which wants to foster new careers for PhD students and researchers from any domain by providing them with transferable skills to fit the European industry and stakeholder needs other than academic labs. The InnEO’Space_PhD shall stand for a special academic excellence for future scientific leaders in any field related to EO, enlarging their training and experience with soft skills, environment monitoring, open science and entrepreneurship, that are needed elements for innovation at any level.

EC flag The InnEO Space PhD project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement no. 101006275.






UNITBV Team Members

Dr. Mihai Ivanovici (male) – professor, holds a PhD in electronics from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania. He is a full professor and has more than 10 years of experience in managing various research projects (funded by EU structural funds and the Romanian government, the Ministry of Education and Research or by Romanian private companies) and participating as researcher in national and international research projects (e.g. The ATLAS Experiment at LHC); he is the author of more than 50 scientific papers published in international conferences and journals. He is head of MIV Laboratory, within Department of Electronics and Computers, Transilvania University of Brașov, România and member of the IEEE Signal Processing and IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing societies. His research interest and expertise are in the field of colour, multispectral and hyperspectral image processing and analysis. Currently he is supervising PhD in the field of electronics, telecommunications and information technologies.

Dr. Mihaela Voinea (female) holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Bucharest, Romania. She is an assistant professor at UTBv, in the Psychology, Education and Teacher Training Department and has more than 15 years of experience in the educational field. Her research interests focus on the field of teacher education, intercultural education and critical thinking. She was involved in various educational projects, funded by the Ministry of Education and Research as a researcher or a trainer (e.g. “Professionalization of the teaching career – new competences for the educational actors” “Reconstruction of the national curriculum in secondary education”; “The counselled student – an excellent future employee”) and in international projects (e.g., Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation -E-READ). She is the author of more than 50 scientific papers published in volumes of international conferences, journals and books (e.g.
Critical Thinking and Postmodern School, 2007; Intercultural Education as “Meeting” with Other People, 2014). She is involved as an educational specialist in the development of the new curricula for social education for second level and supervises methodical-scientific thesis for obtaining the first teaching degree. She has good teaching and training skills gained though professional experience, participating as a trainer and assessor in workshops or in Romanian private companies. She organized the international conference Contemporary Perspectives in Psychology, Education and Teacher Training (October, 2017) and held workshops on various topics of interest to teachers (Exercises for the Development of Excellence Skills in Teachers; Assessment Culture in the Romanian Educational System; Social Education – towards a New Ethics of the XXI Century). She was coordinator of Career counselling, information and guidance centre for students and head of Teacher Training Department. Currently she is head of the Department of Psychology, Education and Teacher Training at UTBv and member of national educational organizations.

Dr. Daniela V. Necșoi (female), assistant professor at Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at UTBv, holds a PhD in educational sciences from University of Bucharest, Romania. With an education in psychology and pedagogy, former teacher for primary school, expert evaluator of the quality in early and primary school education for European Centre of Education, Italy (CEIF Norm), she develops educational activities for in-service and prospective teachers from early and primary school, middle, and secondary school. She cooperates with many educational institutions, among others, Teaching-Staff Resource Centre of Brașov in creating and delivering professional continuous training programs for teachers. Her research interests gravitate around issues of educational management and methodology of teaching. She is the author and coauthor of 3 books and book chapters, over 25 articles published in scientific journals or international conferences proceedings and she was member in 4 research grants.

Dr. Radu-Mihai Coliban (male) – is a post doctoral researcher, holds a PhD degree from UNITBV in electronic (2017). His PhD thesis was entitled „Data acuisition and nonlinear processing – applications in imaging and complex experiments in physics”. He is regular member of IEEE. His research interest include multivariate image processing and analysis (including color, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral), remotely-sensed satellite image analysis, data acquisition and processing, data fusion, digital hardware design, FPGA programming and ASIC design.


Project results

- to be published